“The Twelve Days of Murder” by Andreina Cordani

The Twelve Days of Murder by Andreina Cordani book cover: old mansion on a snowy day with the lights on in the windows, a forest behind it, and footprints in the snow leading to the door

“Twelve Days of Murder” is the holiday murder mystery we didn’t know we needed

It’s nearly holiday season and we thought the perfect way to kick things off would be to have a discussion about a novel about a bunch of mystery-living college friends with secrets who end up in their very own closed-door mystery! ‘Tis the season, after all!

Andreina Cordani’s “12 Days of Murder” introduces readers to the members of the elite and slightly snobbish Murder Masquerade Society, which began as a student group at university that would dedicate themselves to dressing up in fabulous clothes and solving fictitious mysteries.


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