“Huda F Cares” by Huda Fahmy

Huda F Cares by Huda Fahmy book cover: Muslim American teen girl dress in a navy abaya, a blue headscarf, and a black jacket saying "Not me"; 3 hijabi-clad sisters making faces; rollercoasters in the background; cartoon style

In “Huda F Cares?” a Muslim American teen and her gaggle of sisters embark on a transformative family road trip

Dear readers, last week we promised you a lighter book after last week's beautiful but heart-wrenching novel, so here we go. 

"Huda F Cares?" is the fourth graphic novel by cartoonist Huda Fahmy, and it is a delight. Our protagonist, Huda F, is a Muslim American teen who's just finished her freshman year of high school in Dearborn, MI. She's prepped herself for an uneventful summer where the most exciting thing she'll be doing is wearing contacts for the first time, until her parents announced they're going to Disney World!


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